Rejuvapen Microneedling

Microneedling Treatment in Asheville – RejuvapenTM

Regain Youthful Skin Naturally with Rejuvapen

Available at Belle Mia in Asheville, Rejuvapen™ microneedling activates the self-repairing property of your skin – a 100% natural form of skin renewal from the inside out. The benefits of microneedling are: minimizes pore size; reduces fine lines and wrinkles, lifts, tightens, rejuvenates skin; improves appearance of acne scarring; improves appearance of stretch marks; improves appearance of scars; promotes even skin tone.

How does microneedling work?

Rejuvapen uses precisely-spaced micro-needles to create invisible perforations which causes your skin to shift its natural repair mechanism into high gear, producing collagen and elastin to repair these micro-perforations. Your skin becomes firmer, regains elasticity, pores, fine lines, and wrinkles are visbly reduced, circulation is stimulated and the overall health of your skin improves.

Want to learn more about microneedling? Give us a call or send a message through our Contact Form today!